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Couverture de Aslan


De : Kristin Kaldahl
Lu par : Brittany Stevenson
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    Award-winning author and professional dog agility trainer Kristin Kaldahl weaves an authentic story of reclamation and simple love within the thrilling backdrop of one of the world's fastest growing canine sports - agility.

    For 14-year-old Krissy, her new life maxim is pretty sad: First choices out. Second choices in. It's been that way since dialysis left her disabled. Her limitations went from none to a ton, and now they stand in the way of her dream - to compete in dog agility with her runty Sheltie pup, Aslan.

    Krissy has seen videos of agility handlers sprinting, spinning, and twisting as they race with their dogs through the intricate obstacle courses. It's a beautiful sport. Like dance. Like art. And surely impossible for someone like her.

    Her suspicions are confirmed when an agility instructor tells Krissy that her inability to run will keep Aslan from successfully competing against other lightning-fast agility teams. The instructor strongly suggests Krissy choose a less physically demanding second-choice dog sport instead.

    Second choices - once again. And on top of all that, Krissy is pretty sure she doesn't even like her own dog.

    ©2020 Kristin Kaldahl (P)2021 Tantor

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