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Couverture de Ask George Anderson

Ask George Anderson

De : George Anderson, Andrew Barone
Lu par : George Anderson
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    Understand the importance and meaning of your life’s journey here on Earth—with the guidance and perspective of the souls in the hereafter.

    For nearly fifty years and more than thirty-five thousand sessions, George Anderson, widely considered the world’s greatest living medium, has listened to those who have crossed to the other side. He has bridged the worlds of the here and the hereafter by communicating messages of hope from loved ones who have passed on, in order to help bring peace to those who continue on earth. But the souls can offer so much more than proof that there is something beyond this world. They can offer answers and practical advice about issues we struggle with daily: our finances, relationships, personal matters, and questions of faith. Having lived through the struggles we now face, they can also assure us that life’s problems are not random; they happen to each of us as part of a greater purpose and plan.

    Ask George Anderson shares the most common questions clients ask and reveals the illuminating answers that the souls have provided on issues and concerns of our everyday life here on earth. They are invaluable lessons that will enrich all our lives because they’re imparted from a profound and rare perspective: that of the souls who have already lived it and learned from it.

    ©2012 George Anderson and Andrew Barone (P)2023 Penguin Audio

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