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Couverture de Asgard and the Hunt

Asgard and the Hunt

De : C. T. Ortega
Lu par : Caleb Collins
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    The heavenly realm of Saggilmut is finally on their way to peace...or so they thought.

    With King Modi sitting on the throne of Asgard, there is an uprising of gods who want to return to finish the battle with Olympus, and they're willing to bring a civil war to make it happen. Loki, Mimir, and others hope to guide the young ruler to peace, but with a spy in the midst, no one can be trusted. 

    From Nekhen, King Osiris has declared a hunt for the exiled Odin as he has been leaving a trail of bodies, ravaging the land. Horus, Mars, Shiva, and others search for the murderer and bring this madness to an end. 

    With Bastet back in Saggilmut, while her sister Sekhmet is under the watchful care of Ishtar, she'll do anything to get her back. The only question is, does Sekhmet want to be rescued, or is she happy becoming Ishtar's conqueror? 

    The epic saga continues. 

    RATING (0-10):

    Nudity/Sexuality; 0 

    Killing/Murder: 7 (A battle with ancient weaponry and murders.) 

    Language: 3 

    Recommended Ages: 13 and up. 

    Overall feel: The book is a blend of new adult fantasy and philosophy, mixing action and adventure with thought-provoking concepts. 


    Loki retorted, “A person with a closed mouth still talks; it is just to themselves instead of others. Now that—that is insane.”

    Krishna said, "A full stomach never produces a hungry mind.”

    “A compromise cannot be met when one group demands total control,” Modi said.

    ©2022 Caleb Ortega (P)2022 C.T. Ortega

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