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  • Ascension

  • Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within
  • De : William Henry
  • Lu par : Asa Siegel
  • Durée : 8 h et 28 min

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Couverture de Ascension


De : William Henry
Lu par : Asa Siegel
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    To know where you are going in life, you must first understand your past. Ascension scholar William Henry shows us ascension is not an ancient activity that happens after your death. In fact, there has never been a time in history when so many people are actively working toward, or living, their ascension.

    Explore the timeline of our ascension quest beginning with the insights of the Egyptians to modern-day spiritualists, including fascinating accounts of Moses, Buddha, the Greeks, Jesus, Mother Mary, Mohammed, and St. Francis of Assisi. Understand your Rainbow Light Body and experience a map of the enlightened soul's journey that connects you to your Ascended Self.

    Awaken the whole and holy being within you as William Henry and our sacred storytellers share their inspiring experiences, including those of:

    - a man who saw a vision of his future self.

    - a seeker who experienced a kundalini awakening.

    Learn practices you can do to deepen your ascension experience and discover how to use sacred art on your ascension journey. Explore the perils of transhumanism we face today. Walk, see, hear, and feel from a vantage point that brings new light and wisdom to you and our world.

    ©2022 Sacred Stories Publishing (P)2023 Tantor

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