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Couverture de As the Raven Flies

As the Raven Flies

De : Meghan Maslow
Lu par : Greg Boudreaux
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    Even though you’re just a bird, I accept you as my mate.”

    I, Abraham Williams, raven shifter extraordinaire, am not impressed. Not with the pronouncement. Not with the fated mates fairy tale. And most definitely not with sinfully sexy Michael Kashto, the arrogant dire wolf shifter in the thousand dollar suit.

    I’ve got no time for guys who look down their noses at me or think I should be grateful for scraps. I’ve come a long way from an unwanted, scared kid to a man I can be proud of and others depend on.

    When I took this job protecting a friend, I knew it would be dangerous. Accepted the risk. Only I didn’t expect the assault to target my heart instead of my body. And fellow bodyguard Michael Kashto takes no prisoners.

    Forced proximity has never been so forced.

    As the Raven Flies is a 30k forced proximity, fated mates, standalone romance set in the Charm City Chronicles world with a guaranteed happy ending. Shenanigans include: a raven just trying to do his freaking job, a dire wolf with a lot of groveling to do, a sweet ghost, a trigger-happy boss, and a slightly unhealthy love of Led Zeppelin.

    ©2023 Meghan Maslow (P)2024 Meghan Maslow

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