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Couverture de Artorian's Archives Omnibus Vol. 2: Books 4-6 in a Divine Dungeon Series

Artorian's Archives Omnibus Vol. 2: Books 4-6 in a Divine Dungeon Series

De : Dennis Vanderkerken, Dakota Krout
Lu par : Travis Baldree
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    An end of the world. The start of a new one. A thousand places to be.

    Books four through six in the Artorian's Archives series.

    Artorian has survived his encounter at the Ziggurat, but at a sharp cost. However, the powers in the world are moving and there is no time to rest. Even if Artorian doesn’t realize his part in it, the next stage of the great plan is set in motion.

    In a place of mountains and dales, the old scholar must seek new information in order to puzzle out the last pieces and gather victory with his own two hands. For his loved ones, his humanity may need to be left behind. Yet, becoming something else is a small price to pay for an old man on a mission. Life comes at a price, but success comes with Ascension.

    War and Moonfall loom on the horizon. It matters little. Artorian will build his arsenal.

    Download the three book boxed set today to hear Dennis Vanderkerken and Dakota Krout’s Arsenal, Acme, and Anima!

    ©2020, 2021 Dakota Krout (P)2024 Dakota Krout

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