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  • Artificial Intelligence and You

  • What AI Means for Your Life, Your Work, and Your World (Human Cusp)
  • De : Peter J. Scott
  • Lu par : Peter J. Scott
  • Durée : 11 h et 10 min

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Artificial Intelligence and You

De : Peter J. Scott
Lu par : Peter J. Scott
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    • What is AI?
    • Why will it affect you?
    • How do you survive and thrive through the AI revolution?

    Sensationalism about AI has reached new heights, and getting a useful understanding of it has never been more important. AI will extend and accelerate thinking, delivering unprecedented abundance. But it will also require us to navigate a path of challenges ranging from today’s issues of bias, privacy, and explainability, to job displacement through automation, and a future coexistence with superintelligent machines. This book is the roadmap to that path. In clear, accessible, and engaging language, Scott explains AI for listeners from all walks of life who are looking for the full picture of how AI is transforming the world.

    About the Author

    Peter Scott is helping us to get along with artificial intelligence. A master’s degree in computer science from Cambridge University led him to spend more than 30 years working for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, helping advance our exploration of space. A parallel pursuit of the human development field as a certified coach positioned him to recognize and address technological disruption. The births of his children brought him into a mission, to help people understand, use, and advance AI for the betterment of all. He has given TEDx talks, spoken to audiences as diverse as transformational leaders, executives, and British parliamentarians, and created a program to train coaches in helping clients become resilient to exponential disruption. In 2020, he started the Artificial Intelligence and You podcast, bringing together expert guests as diverse as politicians, CEOs, philosophers, developers, and artists to help audiences understand this incredibly complex thing called AI. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.

    ©2022 Peter J. Scott (P)2022 Peter J. Scott


    "A fresh thought-provoking, entertaining, and accessible post-pandemic account of the present and future impact of AI and how to live with it, packed full of useful facts and quotable analogies and anecdotes." (Lord Tim Clement-Jones, co-chair of Britain’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI)

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