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Couverture de Artie and the Wolf Moon

Artie and the Wolf Moon

De : Olivia Stephens
Lu par : Book Buddy Digital Media
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    “A heartfelt, magical family drama you can really sink your teeth into.” —Nilah Magruder, M.F.K.

    After sneaking out against her mother's wishes, Artie Irvin spots a massive wolf—then watches it don a bathrobe and transform into her mom. Thrilled to discover she comes from a line of werewolves, Artie asks her mom to share everything—including the story of Artie's late father. Her mom reluctantly agrees. And to help Artie figure out her own wolflike abilities, her mom recruits some old family friends.

    Artie thrives in her new community and even develops a crush on her new friend Maya. But as she learns the history of werewolves and her own parents' past, she'll find that wolves aren't the scariest thing in the woods—vampires are.

    ©2021 Olivia Stephens (P)2023 Graphic Universe ™


    "A breath of fresh air. . . . Full of robust characters, dynamic panels, and immersive landscapes, this coming-of-age story of family and the supernatural is one any reader will have a hard time putting down."—Shannon Wright, Twins

    "A book of cycles—love, loss, reunion, redemption. Readers will thoroughly enjoy getting lost in the beautifully rendered forests."—Wendy Xu, Mooncakes

    "A love letter to the power of family to help you grow, heal, and find yourself. . . . As rich and immersive as a big family dinner."—Melanie Gillman, Stage Dreams

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