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Couverture de Around the Corner to Around the World

Around the Corner to Around the World

De : Robert Rosenberg
Lu par : Wayne Campbell, Robert Rosenberg
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    Learn 12 key lessons from Dunkin’ Donuts former CEO Robert Rosenberg that offer critical insights and a unique, 360-degree perspective to business leaders and managers on building one of the world’s most recognized brands.

    For entrepreneurs fighting for survival and leaders in growing businesses facing critical strategic decisions, competition is always fierce and the future is never certain. Throughout all the chaos, you need a mentor that has seen a business through the ins and outs and can offer guidance that will exponentially tip the odds in your favor to succeed.

    Robert Rosenberg took over as CEO of Dunkin’ Donuts in 1963, 13 years after the first restaurant was founded by his father William. In his remarkable 35-year run, he grew the company from $10 million in sales to over $2 billion with more than 3,000 outlets. Through his tenure, Robert learned important lessons on running and scaling a family business.

    Rosenberg shares his insider perspective on all the dramatic highs and lows that are part of the Dunkin’ Donuts story to guide you to your own success story.

    In Around the Corner to Around the World, Rosenberg helps you as he:

    • Distills the characteristics of a successful company through all phases of growth.
    • Provides a new perspective on the dramatic story behind the rise of one of the world’s most iconic brands.
    • Tells the first-hand account and essential lessons learned from the tenure of one of the most successful CEO runs in modern business history.
    • Reveals some of the dramatic and surprising plot turns in the story of Dunkin’s rise to global prominence.

    Around the Corner to Around the World tells a compelling story of lessons gleaned over a 35-year career building a small business into the iconic Dunkin' brand it has become.

    The harrowing twists and turns and sometimes existential threats to the business will enlighten anyone starting or running a business.

    ©2020 Robert Rosenberg (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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