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Couverture de Aromatherapy


De : Centre of Excellence
Lu par : Jane Branch
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    This comprehensive and powerful course will teach you everything that you need to know to become a confident and competent Aromatherapist.

    Aromatherapists use the concentrated essences of plants to encourage the body back into a state of wellness. Essential oils can be used to relax, to stimulate, or to uplift. The power of essential oils are truly mind-blowing and the content covered in this course will be a valuable skill set for you for many years to come. This exciting and insightful course will show you just how valuable aromatherapy can be for treating a whole range of ailments in a natural, therapeutic manner.

    The course is made up of two separate qualifications: The Aromatherapy Diploma and a certificate in Anatomy and Physiology.

    Explore the different systems of the body and the oils which affect its different parts.

    Study the history of aromatherapy. How the plant medicines of our ancestors was forgotten but has been re-found.

    Discover how to use aromatherapy to treat simple conditions.

    Uncover the beauty secrets of essential oils and the powerful effects on the skin.

    Learn massage and lymphatic drainage techniques.

    Gain the business requirements to run a successful aromatherapy practice.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2016 Centre of Excellence (P)2017 Centre of Excellence

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