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Couverture de Argylle


De : Elly Conway
Lu par : Dakota Blue Richards
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    Brought to you by Penguin.
    The globe-trotting spy thriller that inspired the upcoming action blockbuster
    Argylle , featuring a star-studded cast including Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, Samuel L. Jackson, and John Cena, directed by Matthew Vaughn of Kingsman trilogy fame.
    One Russian magnate's dream of restoring a nation to greatness has set in motion a chain of events which will take the world to the brink of chaos. Only Frances Coffey, the CIA's most legendary spymaster, can prevent it. But to do so, she needs someone special.

    Enter Argylle. His life came to a crashing halt as a teenager. Since when he has been treading water, building barriers between himself and the world. Until one moment of compassion and brilliance will bring him to the attention of the most powerful woman in the secret world.

    Coffey knows all about Argylle's dark past. She knows it haunts him. But she also knows it may give him the skills to join the team going up against one of the most powerful men in the world. His crash course in espionage will take him from the jungles of Thailand to the boulevards of Monaco, from the monasteries of Mount Athos to a forgotten cavern buried deep in the mountains.

    It is a deathly rollercoaster ride that will either make him - or break him...

    ©2023 Elly Conway (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    ‘The most incredible spy franchise since Ian Fleming’ Matthew Vaughn

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