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Couverture de Architect's Hands

Architect's Hands

De : J Sherrill, Morgan Hotz
Lu par : Savannah Gilmore
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    In this next book of the Dimensions District Series, the adventure gets even bigger. Rita and her friends are back, and this time they're diving deeper into the world of games and technology.

    They find themselves in a wild situation where they have to save someone very important, using some really cool tech that lets them mix the game world with the real world.

    As they try to fix things, they face big choices and discover secrets that make them think hard about friendship, trust, and what it means to be brave. They learn a lot about how technology can change the way we see the world and each other.

    This book is full of exciting moments, challenges, and a bit of mystery, making it a fun ride from start to finish. It's all about how friends stick together through thick and thin, and how sometimes, to solve big problems, you need to think outside the box. It's a great story for anyone who loves adventures that mix the real with the fantastic.

    ©2024 J. SHERRILL (P)2024 J. SHERRILL

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