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Couverture de Arcane Arctic

Arcane Arctic

De : Peter North
Lu par : Evan Glasser, Renee Glasser
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    Isekaied into an ice world? Could be worse... Right?

    Yeah, apparently it can be a whole lot worse....

    When Jay Morgan and his bestie, Molly O'Brian, take "wrong turn" to a whole new level, they end up sucked into a world that makes the arctic look like a beach vacation.

    Even worse? After a bump on the head during their trip through the portal, Molly's taking an unplanned nap of potentially eternal proportions, and Jay has no choice but to carry her through a frosty wilderness that gets weirder by the mile.

    Enter the Delvers: half-animal, half-nutjob nomads who tell Jay he can save Molly—if he's willing to brave the infamously cursed Ice Dungeon for a legendary item that is rumored to be able to heal portal-related injuries.

    No biggie, except Jay's about as prepared for dungeon diving as a penguin is for a desert marathon. No party, no class, no relevant skills... He's pretty much f*&$ed. If Jay wants Molly to survive, though, he has no choice but to try.

    So when an arctic fox-girl named Lyra appears, offering Jay a crash course in survival, of course he agrees.

    Turns out Lyra is an Arcane Archer with more quirks than arrows. There might be a reason she hasn't got a diving party of her own. Why are the cute ones always crazy?

    Crazy or not, though, the silver fox-girl is Jay's best shot at saving Molly.

    When you're battling frost monsters and your ally might be nuts, you either laugh or you cry. And Jay's not much of a crier. Can he save Molly and keep his sanity intact? With Lyra's "help," it's going to be a close call.

    ©2024 Peter North (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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