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  • Aragaan's Hidden Myth

  • The Eyes of Goliath, Book 2
  • De : A.U. Rai
  • Lu par : Colin Watts
  • Durée : 4 h et 35 min

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Aragaan's Hidden Myth

De : A.U. Rai
Lu par : Colin Watts
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    Aragaan’s Hidden Myth is the second legendary fantasy audiobook in The Eyes of Goliath series written by British author A.U.RAI, which follows the first audiobook, The Fall of Erinworld.

    This installment follows Luana, the Princess of Erinworld, from her imprisonment in the cellar of Armistan Castle to the events leading up to the battle of Blackthorn. Luana finds herself in a deep despair after the loss of her parents and Erik in the attack on Erinworld. During this time, she befriends two unusual women—one is a bond of necessity, and the other a soul mate. Once she escapes from captivity with a handful of others, they venture through the kingdoms in search of safety and news of her loved ones.

    Over time, her destiny is revealed. Luana must find the Eyes of Goliath to turn the tide of the war. She also receives a gift, the Dragon Necklace, from the witch Esmeralde. Their adventures reveal many mysteries hidden in the depths of the oceans and at the summit of Mount Khailesh, as Luana and her friends encounter a blue spirit, an ancient dragon, and face harsh battles against the creatures of the Seven Worlds.

    ©2021 A.U.Rai (P)2022 A.U.Rai

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