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De : Mya Rusch
Lu par : Leland Steel
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The untold story of Apollos life…the story no one has heard of…the story he wants to truly tell those who are important.

Apollo has always been perceived as the bastard of the Olympian/Greek gods, but that’s just part of what his life was. The bigger part is thousands upon thousands of years later, when he makes a bet with Aphrodite. He claims that he can fall in love and have someone love him equally while she believes that there's no such love for him. The two form the bet and Zeus lays down the rules; Apollo must be reborn into a mortal life until such a love is found without his magic. Now, in 2024, he's given two options: Admit Aphrodite was right OR find his true love in this next life in less than a year or the titans will be unleashed and all hell breaks loose.

Apollo's unaware of this situation until after he meet Mateo, and he's told that Mateo might just be the one he's searching for...there's just one problem...well, several. Mateo is the dominant type like Apollo; Mateo wants Apollo in a way that Apollo never thought could be possible. Apollo...seriously despises Mateo for many reasons, including getting him into trouble. Apollo doesn't know what real love is, but he's not sure if Mateo is the person he's truly meant to be with. Either way, the Olympians fate and the fate of mankind, rests in Apollos' hands.

©2024 Mya Rusch (P)2024 Mya Rusch
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : LGBT
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