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Couverture de Apocalypse Wow 2

Apocalypse Wow 2

De : Ben Mariner
Lu par : Charles Nute
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    Just over a year after Jack Winters and his friends, Mike and Barry, defeated evil, things are starting to look up. Mike is in charge of the guardian angels. Barry is living happily as an actor for the citizens of heaven. The world is even starting to set itself right again in the aftermath of the apocalypse. Jack, however, went in search of Lola and hasn’t been seen since.

    When Mike gets word that someone has been sent to find and kill Jack, he and Barry will set off in opposite directions around the world to find their friend before his killer can. Teaming up with some new friends, Mike and Barry will face off against vengeful exes, militant Parisian teenagers, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and a host of other creatures from the deepest, darkest reaches of the human mind.

    But the journey isn’t everything it seems. As they dig themselves deeper into trouble, Mike and Barry will quickly realize that the world may be in for much worse than an apocalypse, and Jack Winters might be the only hope anyone has for survival. Now, if they could only find him.

    ©2016 Ben Mariner (P)2022 Ben Mariner

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