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  • Anxiety in Relationship for Couples

  • How to Overcome Couple Conflicts, Eliminating Anxiety, Insecurity, Jealousy, and Attachment in Love
  • De : Anna Maria Di Marzo
  • Lu par : Rebecca Davis
  • Durée : 3 h et 2 min

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Anxiety in Relationship for Couples

De : Anna Maria Di Marzo
Lu par : Rebecca Davis
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    Do all your relationships fail, and you don't know why?

    Are you currently in a relationship that's breaking apart?

    If you feel like the connection in your relationship is fading away, you're in constant fear your partner is going to end at any moment, or you can't trust them to be faithful, then insecurity is dominating your life.

    All the anxiety, fear, jealousy, and emotional dependency are affecting you and your relationship, too.

    But there is a fix.

    Healing yourself and healing your relationship.

    With this audiobook, you will learn how to recognize the cause of the negative emotions, such as unreasonable jealousy and anxiety, that are stopping you from fully enjoying love. You will also find guidance to free yourself from the past and live in the present in a happy and stable relationship.

    This audiobook is a comprehensive guide that allows you to solve the cause of your insecurity.

    Some things you will learn with this audiobook:

    • How to recognize and overcome the anxiety in a relationship before ruining them
    • How to overcome toxic relationships
    • The cause of unreasonable jealousy and why is dangerous for your well-being and your partner's
    • Types of emotional attachment and how to overcome them and free yourself from the fear of abandonment
    • How to overcome couple conflicts
    • Nine key rules to have a happy, stable, and long-lasting relationship
    • And more

    Everything is explained and shown in a simple manner that will help you find out what has been ruining your relationships.

    Whether you're currently in a relationship or you're single, you will find in this audiobook the guidance to heal.

    ©2022 Anna Maria Di Marzo (P)2022 Anna Maria Di Marzo

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