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Couverture de Antediluvian


De : Wil Mccarthy
Lu par : Brian Hutchison
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    What if all our legends are true? A rousing, fast-paced novel of time travel unlike any other, from acclaimed author Wil McCarthy. 

    What if our legends are older than we think? All the Stone Age has left behind are rocks and bones; all other materials have rotted away, leaving no trace. But what if "cave men" never existed, and the Stone Age was a time of great sophistication still preserved in our oldest stories? 

    In a brilliant and dangerous brain hacking experiment, Harv Leonel and Tara Mukherjee are about to discover entire lifetimes of human memory coded in our genes, and reveal ancient legends - from knights and trolls, to flood myths, to the birth of humanity itself - that are as real as they are deadly. 

    Before disaster erased the coastlines and river valleys of the Antediluvian age - before the Flood - men and women struggled and yearned and innovated in a world of savage contrasts into which Harv and Tara are thrust, unprepared. Will their science be enough to save them?

    ©2019 Wil McCarthy (P)2019 Recorded Books

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