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Couverture de Another Girl

Another Girl

De : Peter Grainger
Lu par : Gildart Jackson
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    "She's just watching, thinking about it again, when a big flash car pulls up outside. No one gets out. Then the doors of the bar open and people appear. Two men and a youngish woman, and one of the men has a hold on the woman's arm. It looks as if they're having words. Then this all happens quickly—they push the woman towards the car, one of the back doors opens, and they manhandle her inside. Sarah hears a muffled shout from the woman and the car pulls away. It's all over in a few seconds." Just a few seconds—but seconds which will set in motion a sequence of events involving every member of the Kings Lake Central murder squad in the days to follow. This time the threat is to one of their own.

    ©2023 Peter Grainger (P)2024 Tantor

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