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Couverture de Another Bad-Dog Book: Tales of Life, Love, and Neurotic Human Behavior

Another Bad-Dog Book: Tales of Life, Love, and Neurotic Human Behavior

De : Joni B Cole
Lu par : Heather Elizabeth Lynn Farrar
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    In this collection of 28 "riotously funny and outrageously honest" true-life tales, author Joni B. Cole manage to mingle low moments with high comedy; and social awkwardness with social observation.

    The title essay was inspired when the author went to the bookstore and noticed all the best sellers about adorably naughty dogs. At first resentful of these other writers' successes ("Unfortunately, my own career as an author had not been going so well these past couple years, not since I'd discovered the 'Watch Instantly' option on Netflix"), Cole eventually realized she had her own bad-dog story to exploit - hers in the form of her adorable "Chihuahua Bat", who won't be contained by invisible fencing and won't let anyone pet the family cat in peace. Yet from this huffish beginning evolved a tale as heartwarming as it is hilarious.

    Self-aware, edgy, and masterfully crafted, this charismatic collection (including some heartbreakers) is for anyone who has ever felt over-attached to a pet, stalked her high school crush, said long goodbyes to loved ones, or tried to talk (and talk and talk) her way through the ups and downs of life. A wonderful new addition to a genre best described as humor that matters.

    ©2011 Joni B. Cole (P)2012 PublishingWorks

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