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  • Anna and the African Chief

  • Quentin Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences, Book 4
  • De : Brigitte Novalis
  • Lu par : Pamela Gregory
  • Durée : 4 h et 42 min

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Couverture de Anna and the African Chief

Anna and the African Chief

De : Brigitte Novalis
Lu par : Pamela Gregory
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    As battle is on in her magical world, can the African Chief help her prevent a catastrophe?

    Anna Cameron is disheartened. With her usually peaceful world under attack, the 14-year-old is anxious about fighting against invisible enemies. When an African chief takes his place as a new Quentin Academy professor, bringing with him a new science, she hopes all is not lost.

    As Anna, her friends, and the Academy team bravely prepare for battle, she worries that the unknown enemies will hit them devastatingly. With the dreaded invisible enemies stalking their every move and able to attack them from all directions, Anna fears that despite their courage and ingenuity she and all who fight with her will be defeated.

    Will the African Chief’s new science prove to be the powerful weapon they are all hoping for or will Anna, her friends and the Academy team be crushed?

    If you love YA Science Fantasy with the following:

    • A fascinating new magical world.
    • Coming of age mystery.
    • Kindness and friendship.
    • Courage in the face of danger

    ...then this series around Quentin Academy is a must-listen!

    ©2023 Brigitte Novalis (P)2024 Brigitte Novalis

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