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Couverture de Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers

De : Hannah Tinti
Lu par : Laural Merlington, Dan John Miller
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    With bravura storytelling, daring imagination, and fierce narrative control, this dazzling debut introduces that rare writer who finds humanity in our most unconventional behavior, and the humor beneath our darkest impulses.

    In these strange, funny, and unnerving stories, animals become the litmus test of our deepest fears and longings. In the title story, an elephant keeper courts danger from his gentle charge; in "Miss Waldron's Red Colobus," a headstrong young woman in Africa is lured by the freedom of the monkeys in the trees; in "Talk Turkey," a boy has secret conversations with the turkeys on his friend's family's farm; in "Slim's Last Ride," a child plays chilling games with his pet rabbit; in "Gallus Gallus," a pompous husband projects his anger at his wife onto her prized rooster.

    This fresh, inventive debut will introduce Hannah Tinti as one of the most gifted writers of her generation. Enter her world at your own risk, and you will come away bewitched.

    ©2005 Hannah Tinti (P)2009 Brilliance Audio, Inc.


    "Animal Crackers is a most promising effort, with remarkable range and inventiveness—and a deliciously deadpan sense of humor. … [W]hat makes these stories extraordinary is Tinti’s subtext: what we are capable of doing to each other—and to nature." (Los Angles Times)
    "The stories begin with firecracker first sentences, leaving the reader no choice but to read on." (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)
    "Tinti’s work is not for the faint of heart—graphic descriptions of violence and human dissection will deter some readers—but those who stick with her will find themselves richly rewarded. In Animal Crackers, Tinti opens the door to a darkness we all fear and bravely steps forth to meet it." (Charlotte Observer)

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