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  • Ánh's New Word

  • A Story About Learning a New Language
  • De : Hanh Bui
  • Lu par : VyVy Nguyen
  • Durée : 12 min

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Ánh's New Word

De : Hanh Bui
Lu par : VyVy Nguyen
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    Ánh's New Word: A Story About Learning a New Language features music and special effects. Listen along and enjoy the fun!

    A child living in a Vietnamese refugee camp learns their first word in English with a little help from their teacher and grandmother in this heart-warming book based on the author's childhood.

    Many things are different for Ánh now that they've left Vietnam with their family. The weather is colder and they live in a communal barracks at a refugee camp while they wait for their new life in America to start. Ánh finds comfort in their warm-hearted teacher, Miss Mary Ellen, but has trouble with the foreign sounds of learning to speak English in class.

    All Ánh wants is to be able to say "thank you" out loud to Miss Mary Ellen, but will the words ever stop getting stuck between their head and their voice? With a little inspiration from their grandmother—as well as the chance discovery of an adorable animal—Ánh will try to gather the courage to finally say their first word in a new language.

    Ánh's New Word by Hanh Bui is a hopeful story of finding your voice, inspired by true events from the author's childhood.

    A Macmillan Audio production from Feiwel & Friends.

    ©2024 Hanh Bui (P)2024 Macmillan Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "This poignant tale is accompanied by charming cartoon artwork with simple textured backdrops, the warm palette adding to the emotional tone. ... A touching account of courage and kindness."—Kirkus Reviews

    "A gorgeous and heartfelt book about family, new beginnings and the power of finding just the right word."—Pat Zietlow Miller, New York Times-bestselling author of Be Kind

    "A beautifully written, sweetly illustrated story about the challenge of living in a new country, the connection between student and teacher, and how the language of compassion and hope is universal."—Rajani LaRocca, Newbery Honor-winning author of Red, White, and Whole

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