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  • Anger Management Secrets for Triggered Parents

  • Fail-Proof Strategies to Manage Emotions and Relationships with Kids
  • De : Emory Brown
  • Lu par : Bill Jacobson
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Anger Management Secrets for Triggered Parents

De : Emory Brown
Lu par : Bill Jacobson
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    Learn to let go of your anger to raise happy and confident little humans who know how to do the same.

    It is no secret that parenting is hard. Throw in poor anger management, and you have a powder keg ready to explode.

    The good news is, there are ways to manage your anger so that you parent in a calmer, more positive manner. And it all starts with examining your own childhood. 

    Understand your anger so you can forgive yourself and be a happier, healthier parent to your children.

    In Anger Management Secrets for Triggered Parents, you will discover:

    • Where your anger stems from and why you react the way you do to external stressors
    • The root causes of your anger—discover how to reanalyze the trauma you experienced as a child, as that is where you learned your coping strategies
    • How to break the destructive anger cycle so your children do not grow up having anger management problems
    • How to recognize your triggers—the things that make you go from zero to 100 in 30 seconds.
    • Positive parenting and positive disciplining and how they should shape all of your interactions with your children
    • Ways to manage anger coming from your child, from the toddler stage to the teenage years
    • The importance of letting go of your parenting guilt for both yourself and your children
    • The importance of self-care: discover why you absolutely have to take better care of yourself so that you are the best version for your family

    And much more.

    It is possible to live a life free from ugly outbursts and vicious tantrums…for both you and your children. 

    Know how to make a plan for what you will do and how you will avoid a screaming match the next time your children are fighting. 

    Take control of your anger and parenting by taking the first step today. Scroll up and hit “Add to Cart” now.

    ©2022 Emory Brown (P)2023 Emory Brown

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