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Anger Management

De : Dick Sutphen
Lu par : Dick Sutphen
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The ultra-powerful Zapper programming combines music with life-changing affirmations. Use this audio program in three different ways: 1. Program your mind while you do other things with your eyes open. 2. Use it as closed-eye meditative programming. 3. Use it as you go to sleep (skip the second track in which you awaken).

The Zapper is a composition of vibrational theta waves and a diminishing delta-level pulse. It generates an altered state of consciousness in which suggestions are delivered with 25 to 200 times the mind-programming power of readily accepted suggestions. With continued subconscious reinforcement of this kind, your mind will manifest a change in beliefs that generate your thoughts and emotions, which in turn create your experiences.

Some of the Spoken Suggestions:

You have the power and ability to control your temper. You can choose how you feel. You can. You do. You now choose to be in total control of your life at all times. People get angry because they blame someone else for not living up to their expectations. Accept that. Blame is self-pity. You no longer blame others. You choose to view life from a self-actualized perspective, accepting others without blame, judgment, expectations, or trying to control. Freedom results from forgiveness. And from this moment on you begin to live in the NOW. You act responsibly to the future. Then you release concern. You remain calm and in control at all times. Give up expectations and you free yourself. You do it. You keep your mind like calm water at all times. Your life works better when you remain calm and in control.

To Use With Your Eyes Closed: Lie down, do a couple minutes of deep breathing, close your eyes and simply listen to the program. This audio program can be used as sleep programming in which you simply listen as you fall asleep. Or you can awaken at the end of a closed-eye session by counting yourself up from one to five and saying the words, “Wide awake, wide awake,” several times.

To Use With Your Eyes Open: Play the audio program at home or in the office while you’re sitting down doing other things such as working at a computer, reading, etc. The volume should be loud enough for you to hear the suggestions, but not so loud as to be distracting. If you turn off the program before awakening at the end, BE SURE TO FULLY AWAKEN YOURSELF. This will be best accomplished by counting yourself up as you would from a deep meditation. Tell yourself you’re going to fully awaken, then count up from one to five and say, “Wide awake, wide awake,” over and over.

Note: If after using the Zapper audio program you don’t feel fully awake, we suggest you walk around for a few minutes and maybe splash water on your face to help you fully awaken.

Instructions and Warnings: Do not use this audio program in a moving auto or while doing anything requiring you to be fully alert.

©2022 Hay House (P)2022 Hay House
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