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  • Anger Management

  • The Guide to Take Control of Your Emotions, Make Your Relationship Thrive and Give Peace to Your Mind
  • De : Victoria Miller
  • Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
  • Durée : 3 h et 59 min

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Anger Management

De : Victoria Miller
Lu par : Houneida Bechlem
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    Anger Management offers "no-nonsense" understanding which can be quickly put into practice, helping you to re-connect with your best self.

    Depressed or anxious people receive much sympathy, and rightly so, but anger sufferers, not so much. They should. Chronic anger is a stress-related difficulty, too, and anger sufferers deserve compassion as much as anybody else. You didn’t ask to be angry. You won’t be judged here. There are solutions. 

    Using fictional case studies from real-world examples, Anger Management will explain why your subconscious programming may be making it impossible for you to “will” yourself to calm down.

    You’ll find practical, workable approaches here to understand and desensitize these triggers. You’ll discover how to live more peacefully, enjoy better relationship security, be more patient with the world, and get more of what you need without the stress or regret of anger and rage.

    This anger management audiobook will give you positive and productive anger management tools to strengthen the most important and most overlooked relationship in your life: your relationship with yourself. 

    Why this audiobook?

    Constant irritability or flashes of bad temper can cause difficulties in relationships with friends, family, or colleagues and leave us feeling unhappy and exhausted. This fully updated and revised edition is for anyone struggling to control their rage and regretting inappropriate reactions.

    This audiobook will help you learn:

    • What is the real reason behind your anger 
    • What are the positive ways to release your anger 
    • How to prevent or cure major mental and physical diseases caused by anger 
    • How to find your way back into the real world 
    • How to build and maintain healthy relationships 
    • How one book and a couple of written words can be a life saver 
    • What to keep and what to let go of 
    • Why yesterday is not yours to recover, but tomorrow is yours to win 
    • What are the common mistakes of anger management and how you can avoid them

    The benefits of listening to this book: 

    • Invaluable information and assessments to help evaluate your anger 
    • Concrete examples of productively expressing anger 
    • Clinical examples of anger management strategies

    Click on the "buy now" button to get the audiobook.

    ©2020 Victoria Miller (P)2020 Victoria Miller

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