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Couverture de Angels of Death

Angels of Death

De : O Chambers
Lu par : Belinda Washington
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    Delve into the minds of the nursing profession’s deadliest female serial killers.

    Nearly half of female serial killers are nurses or professionals working in healthcare. Most are likely to be at least average in intelligence, well-educated, and dead-set on stealing their victims’ money.

    You may wonder if nurture or nature is to blame, and what getting close to these women’s psyche actually feels like. Although each journey is different, malicious intent is usually something that popped up very early in these women’s lives.

    Crime stories are fascinating because it arouses our morbid curiosity and gives insight into the dark side of humanity. The true stories in this book are no different. They will both chill and enthrall you, unlocking the mysteries behind some of the most heinous crimes in healthcare history.

    In this chilling account, you will discover:

    • How a 19th-century nurse from Reading took advantage of expectant mothers’ trust to rob them of their cherished newborns
    • The brilliant, pleasant, friendly facade that a nurse known for her “jolly” disposition used to keep her patients ill and subject them to cruel experiments
    • The greed of a wealthy nurse who passed herself off as a saint while using murder as a means to financial gain
    • How one vocational nurse with an amazing talent for inserting IV needles transformed herself into the Black Angel of “The Death Shift” at a pediatric clinic
    ©2023 Cook Publishing (P)2023 Cook Publishing

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