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Couverture de Angel Bob

Angel Bob

De : Maria Graver, Sean Graver
Lu par : Sean Graver, Sammi Bold
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    On a sunny Sunday afternoon, a Gideon named Bob Benoy placed a Testament in the hands of a mother who was about to receive a devastating phone call. His timing was more than a coincidence; surely a supernatural event. It wasn’t part of his plan that day, he was just out for a drive. 

    In the midst of the most difficult days of this mother’s life, the word of God from that testament provided the strength and comfort to carry her through. But, that’s just the beginning of the story. As more and more events unfolded, it was clear that God was at work. Lives were changed, souls were saved, and a tragedy was wrapped in miracles. 

    Angel Bob is about a man whose faithfulness in sharing God’s word with others had an impact beyond his wildest dreams. Here is a glimpse into the lives of real people who were directly affected by his commitment to serving as a Gideon, many of whom he never met.

    ©2011 Sean & Maria Graver (P)2020 Sean & Maria Graver

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