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  • Angeball

  • The Definitive Biography of Ange Postecoglou
  • De : Vince Rugari
  • Durée : 10 h

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De : Vince Rugari
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    The definitive biography and ultimate origin story of Ange Postecoglou, the Premier League's most intriguing new manager and instigator of the 'Angeball' phenomenon that has taken the football world by storm.

    It has taken no time at all for fans of Tottenham Hotspur to fall completely in love with Ange Postecoglou and his 'Angeball' brand of front-foot football.

    To those who have followed his intriguing journey - from a five-year-old Greek immigrant, to a marauding left-back in the Australian National Soccer League, to a pioneering coach who has won trophies on three different continents - it is no surprise at all. 'Big Ange' did the same thing in Glasgow with Celtic (five trophies in two seasons), and in Japan with Yokohama F Marinos.

    Before that, he claimed four titles with his boyhood club South Melbourne, travelled the globe with Australia's junior national teams, set a national record with a 36-game unbeaten streak at Brisbane Roar, and guided the 'Socceroos' to their greatest achievement, winning the Asian Cup in 2015.

    Fuelled by an unshakable belief in himself and his ideas, Postecoglou's unique, mesmerising style of football is inspired by the kind of teams he would enjoy watching as a child with his father. And it works. It turns sceptics into believers and then into full-blown disciples.

    Drawing on dozens of interviews with Postecoglou and his players, coaches, colleagues, friends and foes, and reams of archival material, Angeball delves into the heart and soul of a man who has reshaped the football landscape. It explores the dynamics behind his coaching brilliance, his complicated relationship with the game in his homeland, and the profound impact he has had on fans worldwide.

    ©2024 Vince Rugari (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Limited

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