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Couverture de Androids


De : Stephen Wilson
Lu par : J. Scott Bennett
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    The Near Future
    The world’s most crucial quantum computer (ALVA) is housed on a secret military installation in the Nevada desert. Colonel James Travis is stunned when the highly guarded machine contacts him directly with a cryptic message. At first, Travis suspects the communication is a hoax. Why him? He’s a doctor, not a computer engineer. As the computer’s bizarre messages persist, the colonel reluctantly accepts ALVA’s invitation for an unauthorized late-night visit.

    ALVA warns him about an android plot, while the androids point to ALVA. With only days to discover the truth and convince the high command that their AI world is unraveling, Travis investigates while keeping a secret of his own – he has an unlawful relationship with Maria, one of the intelligent androids, who may be seducing him to gain an advantage.
    Travis struggles to uncover the truth. In this future age, most evidence can be digitally altered in a heartbeat, but war is the same bloody horror it always has been.

    ©2023 Stephen Wilson (P)2024 Stephen Wilson

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