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Couverture de And so I Roar

And so I Roar

De : Abi Daré
Lu par : Adjoa Andoh
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    Adunni and Ms Tia are back, now forced to confront their pasts and find the courage to roar for themselves

    'A novelist of great power, wit, and invention'
    ELIZABETH GILBERT, author of City of Girls

    'Daré has proved, once again, that she is a masterful storyteller to be reckoned with'
    TARA M. STRINGFELLOW, author of Memphis

    'A touching tale of connection and love'
    ANNE GRIFFIN, author of The Island of Longing

    'An edge-of-your-seat return to the world of The Girl with the Louding Voice'
    CHARMAINE WILKERSON, author of Black Cake

    'An enduring story of hope, love and the power we hold'
    ORE AGBAJE-WILLIAMS, author of The Three of Us

    Plucky fourteen-year-old Adunni is in Lagos, excited to finally enrol in school. Having escaped her rural village in a desperate bid to seek a better future, she's found refuge with Tia, a kind and brilliant woman on her own troubled journey of self-discovery.

    But it's not so simple to run away from your past.

    On the night before she is due to join her new classmates for her first lesson, a terrible knocking at the front gate summons Adunni back to her home village, Ikati, where her dramatic story of resilience first began.

    As Tia frantically tries to protect her from an uncertain fate, Adunni must try to save not only herself but all the young women of her village, and transform Ikati into a place where girls are allowed to claim the bright futures they deserve - and roar their stories to the world.

    ©2024 Abi Daré (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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