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  • And You Know You Should Be Glad

  • A True Story of Lifelong Friendship
  • De : Bob Greene
  • Lu par : Bob Greene
  • Durée : 4 h et 46 min

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And You Know You Should Be Glad

De : Bob Greene
Lu par : Bob Greene
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    A highly personal and moving true story of friendship and remembrance from the New York Times best-selling author of Duty and Be True to Your School.

    Growing up in Bexley, Ohio, population 13,000, Bob Greene and his four best friends, Allen, Chuck, Dan, and Jack, were inseparable. Of the four, Jack was Bob's very best friend, a bond forged from the moment they met on the first day of kindergarten. They grew up together, got into trouble together, learned about life together, and were ultimately separated by time and distance, as all adults are. But through the years Bob and Jack stayed close, holding on to the friendship that had formed years before.

    Then the fateful call came: Jack was dying. And in this hour of need, as the closest of friends will do, Bob, Allen, Chuck, and Dan put aside the demands of their own lives, came together, and saw Jack through to the end of his journey.

    Tremendously moving, funny, heart-stirring, and honest, And You Know You Should Be Glad is an uplifting exploration of the power of friendship to uphold us, sustain us, and ultimately set us free.

    ©2006 John Deadline Enterprises, Inc. (P)2006 HarperCollinsPublishers


    "Greene's high praise, on the whole, emphasizes the value and rarity of such longstanding friendships." ( Library Journal)

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