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Couverture de And It All Falls Down

And It All Falls Down

De : Martina M. Lanier
Lu par : Daneesha S. Tillman MS
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    Thirty-six-year-old Jason Walsh is handsome, witty, and one of his town's top criminal defense lawyers. Jason has the wife of his dreams and couldn't be happier; that is until the skeletons he buried deep in his closet start crawling out to be seen. With his secrets on the front line, he has to figure out how to keep it all together before it all falls down. Just how far is he willing to go to maintain his perfect image and keep his family together?

    From the outside looking in, Tamera Walsh has it all. She has a fine, successful husband, the most brilliant set of twin boys, and a lifestyle others envy. But that’s not enough. Tired of supporting everybody else and their dreams, Tamera decides that she’s ready to get back out in the world and shake it up. The only problem is her husband prefers her at home raising their children. Choosing to go against his wishes, she has to decide if her dreams and goals are worth losing the only family she has.

    Growing up with a praying family and feeling loss after loss, Lynn gave up on God and decided to live life the way she wanted instead. If God didn’t give her what she wanted, she would take it and not care who got hurt in the process. Just when Lynn thinks she has it all, something happens, bringing her to her knees, and she wonders if it’s too late to finally start leaning on God.

    ©2021 Martina Lanier (P)2022 Martina Lanier

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