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Couverture de Ancients


De : Kathryn Moon
Lu par : Cornell Collins, Sienna Frances
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    The Ancients, a race of creatures between gods and monsters, are trapped in Canderfey. Fighting for their home, the University, and the remaining residents of the town, Joanna and her coven are in daily peril. When one of the Ancients escapes the boundary, the coven is separated, Isaac traveling in search of a solution to the turmoil of the summer.  

    As days wear on, can Joanna and her coven keep their warrior spirit, or have they been fighting too hard and too long? Perhaps the Ancients - older, more powerful, and impossible to kill-are an obstacle too enormous to overcome.

    Will Canderfey be saved and the coven free to live in peace? Or will the cages, keeping Ancients in and magic out, crumble and set chaos loose upon the world?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2019 Kathryn Moon (P)2019 Tantor

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