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Couverture de Ancient Threat

Ancient Threat

De : Andreas Brandhorst, Lynn Taylor
Lu par : Mark Rossmann
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    The barriers that held them...

    ...have begun to crumble.

    If they escape, the galaxy will never be the same.

    In the battle for the future of the galaxy, the remote provincial world of Kerberos is caught between the fronts. No one suspects that deep beneath the surface of Kerberos sleeps a power from the past which, if unleashed, could bring unimaginable destruction to the galaxy. What role does the mysterious synthetic being, the "Metamorph", which escaped from a laboratory on Kerberos, play in this?

    When the elderly monk Eklund takes on a boy with the power to heal himself as his novice, events come thick and fast. A murder takes place in the monks' remote contemplative community and security forces all over the planet are feverishly searching for the escaped metamorph. To make matters worse, Valdorian is also on his way to Kerberos. He has no idea what powers he is about to unleash.

    Is another war imminent?

    Are the Temporals going to escape?

    You will love this audiobook 2 in the Kantaki Saga, because Andreas Brandhorst has blurred the lines between past, present, and future in the most intriguing way.

    ©2024 A7L Books (P)2024 Lübbe Audio, Bastei Lübbe AG

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