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Couverture de Ancient Magic

Ancient Magic

De : Alexandra Ivy
Lu par : Elizabeth Russell
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    The Vampire Cabal meets only under the direst circumstances. But since Skye Claremont's coven proved wild magic has returned, the cabal has gathered in New York City to decide the fate of the powerful mages.

    Skye doubts her oracular powers can help. After ten years indentured to a demon gang, paying off her father's gambling debts with visions, her freedom has come despite her weak abilities, not because of them. But when her father sends a text to demand a meeting, she doesn't need to read the future to know trouble will follow.

    The demons want her to kidnap Micha, the reclusive, fearsome leader of the New Orleans vampire cabal. As if a low-voltage witch like her could succeed. But when Skye looks into Micha's eyes, she sees certain doom if she doesn't take him to their stronghold after all. Spellbound more by beauty and intrigue than magic, the vampire follows her into the dark of a demon cell. When the door slams behind them, they'll have to unravel the tangled threads of prophecy and politics that make the way forward immeasurably dangerous. But it's desire that could undo them both . . .

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2024 Debbie Raleigh (P)2024 Tantor

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