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Couverture de Ana María and the Fox

Ana María and the Fox

De : Liana De la Rosa
Lu par : Ruby Hunt
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    "Pleasingly subversive."--New York Times Book Review

    One of Library Journal's Best Romances of 2023!
    A BookList Editor's Pick of 2023!

    A forbidden love between a Mexican heiress and a shrewd British politician makes for a tantalizing Victorian season.

    Ana María Luna Valdés has strived to be the perfect daughter, the perfect niece, and the perfect representative of the powerful Luna family. So when Ana María is secretly sent to London with her sisters to seek refuge from the French occupation of Mexico, she experiences her first taste of freedom far from the judgmental eyes of her domineering father. If only she could ignore the piercing looks she receives across ballroom floors from the austere Mr. Fox.

    Gideon Fox elevated himself from the London gutters by chasing his burning desire for more: more opportunities, more choices. For everyone. Now, as a member of Parliament, Gideon is on the cusp of securing the votes he needs to put forth a measure to abolish the Atlantic slave trade once and for all—a cause that is close to his heart as the grandson of a formerly enslaved woman. The charmingly vexing Ana María is a distraction he must ignore.

    But when Ana María finds herself in the crosshairs of a nefarious nobleman with his own political agenda, Gideon knows he must offer his hand as protection . . . but will this Mexican heiress win his heart as well?

    ©2023 Liana De la Rosa (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    “A lush, immersive, and evocative romance full of fascinating historical detail. An enchanting love story with a fierce, complex heroine and a swoon worthy hero. The Luna sisters have arrived…and the London season will never be the same.”—Adriana Herrera, USA Today bestselling author of A Caribbean Heiress in Paris

    “This delectable Victorian Latinx romance from De la Rosa will delight fans of sexy historical romances with strong social justice plots such as Alyssa Cole’s ‘The Loyal League’ titles and Evie Dunmore’s ‘A League of Extraordinary Women’ series.”—Library Journal, starred review

    "When a historical romance can combine a swoon-worthy love story with a rich historical setting, it goes on my keeper shelf. Ana María and The Fox does this and so much more. It was absolutely delightful to watch Ana María’s bond with her sisters grow all while the reserved hero is falling head over heels in love with her."—Harper St. George, author of The Duchess Takes a Husband

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