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Couverture de An Unforgettable Pastime

An Unforgettable Pastime

De : Michael Anthony Vitale
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    A father is faced with the daunting task of supporting a family of thirteen. Unable to continue in his current full-time job, the man chooses to acquire a restaurant, inside of a neighborhood city in North St. Louis, Mo. The narrator, Michael, is the eighth of ten children in this family. He chooses to spend every weekend, and all his summer months off school, at the restaurant to be near his father. Segregation within the area of their restaurant is ending. Integration of the black community has slowly begun moving into the neighborhood.

    Michael details the difficulties and challenges encountered to keep the restaurant open and profitable. The story goes deep inside the history of this Italian-American family and the noteworthy events that helped to shape their incredible bond of faith and love. Along the way, a cast of characters is revealed from the restaurant and his many tales of adventures.

    One constant is baseball which unceasingly makes its way through his life. Above it all, his deeply shared personal relationship with his father.
    Memories. We collect and lock them away. Every so often, we take them out and look them over. If we do it enough times, these memories become unforgettable. This may be no different than the things that we collect; stamps, coins, collector cards, paintings, dolls, or whatever. The collection of these things is considered a hobby.

    Pastime is defined as an activity done for enjoyment, a hobby. It has been said that baseball is the great American Pastime. If so, then is it possible to consider memories, "An Unforgettable Pastime?" In honor of our Great American Pastime, and metaphorically speaking, this book was encapsulated inside of a single baseball game.

    Near the end of this journey, you are welcome to decide for yourself on the author's proposal to his audience about memories.

    ©2023, 2024 Michael Anthony Vitale (P)2024 Michael Anthony Vitale

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