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  • An Unbound Soul: Part 1: Law

  • Erryn's World, Book 2
  • De : Cathfach
  • Lu par : Peter Kenny
  • Durée : 6 h et 35 min

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Couverture de An Unbound Soul: Part 1: Law

An Unbound Soul: Part 1: Law

De : Cathfach
Lu par : Peter Kenny
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    There was a mistake, an error.

    No king ordered his summoning to battle a demon lord. No god sent him to save the world from destruction. In fact, the closest thing this world has to a god would have been very upset at his presence. Fortunately for him, by the time she noticed, it was too late to interfere. A soul had fallen into the world that did not belong there. A soul not bound by the Law of the world. A soul that was free.

    When Peter suffers a too-close encounter with a truck, he finds himself reborn in another world. At first glance, it is a perfect fantasy land. There's magic to play with, elves singing in the forest, and a hyperactive catgirl neighbor. There's even a System that lets him earn skills and level up.

    It isn't long before he notices that the world is far too perfect. Just why is everyone so nice? Can Peter accept the alien morality of this world's self-proclaimed protector? Or will he seek to overthrow her?

    An Unbound Soul: Part 1: Law is the second volume set in Erryn’s World, and the first in the continuing tale of Peter’s adventure.

    ©2021 Cathfach (P)2023 Podium Audio

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