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  • An Ordinary Wonder

  • Heartbreaking and charming coming-of-age fiction about love, loss and taking chances
  • De : Buki Papillon
  • Lu par : Adjoa Andoh
  • Durée : 12 h et 51 min

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An Ordinary Wonder

De : Buki Papillon
Lu par : Adjoa Andoh
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    A powerful novel about an intersex Nigerian teenager and the courage to be yourself.

    Narrated by Adjoa Andoh whose many film and TV roles include Doctor Who, Adulthood and most recently Lady Danbury in the Netflix drama Bridgerton. Adjoa directed and starred in Richard II, the first ever company of women of colour in a Shakespeare play on a major UK stage.

    Raised as a boy in a grand but unhappy family in Nigeria, Otolorin Akinro escapes to boarding school knowing two things: she is truly a girl, and to stay safe, she must hide that truth.

    Away from the cruelty of her childhood home, Oto blooms even as she strives to be the best boy she can, finding true friendship and working hard to earn a scholarship to an American university, hoping someone out there might help her understand the secrets her body holds.

    But she cannot stay away forever. Back home for the holidays, though Oto and her beloved twin sister are overjoyed to see each other, their mother's violence erupts once more, and when a terrible incident rips their lives apart, Oto is left alone.

    As her world goes up in flames, can Otolorin rebuild a life from the ashes of her true self?

    You won't be able to stop listening to this heartbreaking and uplifting coming-of-age story about family, identity, gender and culture and discovering your whole, true self. If you loved The Vanishing Half, The Girl with the Louding Voice or The Death of Vivek Oji, you'll adore this moving book.

    ©2021 Buki Papillon (P)2021 Hachette Audio UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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