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Couverture de An Introduction to Scottish Gaelic Language Fundamentals

An Introduction to Scottish Gaelic Language Fundamentals

De : Alice Scott
Lu par : Fine Mayer, Mary Shilston
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    This is a basic introductory course in the Scottish Gaelic language covering introductory vocabulary and key elements of Scottish Gaelic language and culture. The course starts with the basics of greetings, numbers and colors. The course then progresses to simple sentence structures and common phrases. Throughout, words and phrases are repeated in different ways to help the learning and language retention process. The course consists of five progressive learning sessions, with a final session that reviews all the vocabulary in the course end-to-end. The Scottish Gaelic language holds a profound significance to Scottish culture, serving as a vibrant thread that weaves together the country's rich heritage. As an integral part of Scotland's linguistic tapestry, Gaelic connects modern-day Scots to their ancestors, fostering a deep sense of identity and belonging. The language embodies centuries of history, literature, music, and folklore, allowing the preservation and celebration of a unique cultural legacy that continues to inspire and shape Scotland's diverse traditions. Promoting and revitalizing Scottish Gaelic not only honors the past but also ensures a vibrant and dynamic future for Scottish culture. This introductory course is an ideal way to get started learning the key elements of the Scottish Gaelic language.

    ©2023 Alice Scott (P)2023 Historical Audiobooks

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