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  • An Enthralling Guide from Ancient Kingdoms to Modern Times

  • Exploring the Past
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 6 h et 50 min

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Couverture de An Enthralling Guide from Ancient Kingdoms to Modern Times

An Enthralling Guide from Ancient Kingdoms to Modern Times

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Two manuscripts in one audiobook:

    • History of the Jews: An Enthralling Guide from Ancient Times to the Present
    • Ancient Israel: An Enthralling Guide to Jewish Kingdoms and the Israelites

    In the first part of this audiobook, you will know:

    • What spectacular events are celebrated at Pesach (Passover)?
    • How did the Jews escape the Babylonian exile?
    • Who sacrificed a pig to the god Saturn in Jerusalem’s Second Temple?
    • How did Muslim rule mostly improve life for Jews in Spain and North Africa?
    • What underlying philosophies led to the Nazis’ attempt to annihilate the Jewish race?
    • How did Israel defeat eight Arab nations in the Six-Day War?
    • What led to a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt?

    In the second part of this audiobook, you will discover:

    • How the ancient Israelites ended up in Canaan and began to build a civilization
    • The establishment of the United Kingdom of Israel
    • The split of the United Kingdom of Israel and the Babylonian invasion of the Kingdom of Judea
    • The Achaemenid liberation of the Jews and the formation of Yehud Medinata
    • The period and process of Hellenization commenced by the Greeks and the resulting Maccabean Revolt, which gave birth to the Hasmonean dynasty
    • The end of the Hasmoneans and the formation of the Herodian dynasty
    • And so much more!
    ©2023 Billy Wellman (P)2023 Billy Wellman

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