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Couverture de An Enduring Hope

An Enduring Hope

De : Jes Drew
Lu par : Kaden Catalina, Kenneth Faircloth Jr.
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    Can one find hope after their happily ever after is stolen?

    Nadja's happily ever after seems just within reach when her childhood sweetheart proposes. But when her brothers are transformed into swans by their new stepmother, she has to put her life on hold. In order to break the curse, Nadja must sew a shirt made of thistles for each brother. And if she says a single word before she is finished, her brothers will remain swans forever.

    Maxmillian returned from the Crusades with one goal in mind, to wed the girl he left behind so long ago. The last place he expects to find her, though, is wandering around his woods, refusing to say a word. Marriage is the only option for him to keep her in his castle and away from the family she fears to return to. But that might not be enough when his own people begin whispering about a witch on the loose and Nadja becomes the chief suspect.

    An Enduring Hope, a retelling of Wild Swans, is a standalone novella, complete with tropes like friends to lovers, marriage of convenience, and he falls first. It is part of the Hope Ever After series, a collection of twenty hopeful and uplifting fairy tale retellings. Each book is written by a different author so it can be enjoyed in any order.

    ©2024 Jes Drew (P)2024 Jes Drew

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