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Couverture de An Elementary History of Our Country

An Elementary History of Our Country

De : Eva March Tappan
Lu par : Kit Kinsmarck
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    Eva March Tappan (1854 -1930) was a teacher and author. She began her literary career writing about famous characters in history and developed an interest in writing children’s books. An Elementary History of Our Country is a short and simple account of the major events in American history. It starts with Columbus and the early followers of Columbus. Next the author looks at early attempts to make settlements, and the first colony, Virginia. 

    This is followed by the Massachusetts Bay colony and the rapid growth of new settlements. A full chapter is devoted to the customs of New England. The struggle with the French and the westward growth of the US comes up next. The Revolution is examined over several chapters. Other topics that are extensively covered include slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.

    Public Domain (P)2019 Museum Audiobooks
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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