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Couverture de An Ayah's Choice

An Ayah's Choice

De : Shahida Rahman
Lu par : Amina Zia
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    Underpinned by true events, An Ayah's Choice draws us into a rarely seen aspect of British Indian history.

    Following the momentous life of Jaya Devani, an Indian woman harbouring a secret that propels her to find her own agency against a backdrop of sex, class, and race discrimination.

    In a small Indian village in 1900, aspiring artist Jaya Devani yearns for freedom beyond the confines of the life expected of her. When she begins a tumultuous relationship with her British colonial employer, William Edmundson, she launches herself on course for a new life as an ayah, a nanny, in London.

    Arriving on British shores as the suffragette movement is growing, Jaya grapples with a choice: can she really find freedom in the arms of William, or will she have to seek out her own way to be truly free?

    A story of the tenacity of the human spirit, friendship, and blazing your own path.

    Perfect for fans of The Paris Library and The Beekeeper of Aleppo.

    Shahida is an author, writer, public speaker and publisher. She lives in Cambridge.

    ©2022 SAGA Egmont (P)2022 SAGA Egmont


    A rare jewel.
    --Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of "The Rose Code".

    Utterly spellbound.
    --Julianne MacLean, USA Today bestselling author.

    Tender and thrilling.
    --A.J. Gnuse, author of "Girl in the Walls".

    A page-turner.
    --Helen Pankhurst CBE, women's rights activist, and great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst.

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