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Couverture de An Audio Bundle: Why Men Don't Date & Secrets to Successful Relationships

An Audio Bundle: Why Men Don't Date & Secrets to Successful Relationships

De : Otto Haugland, David R. Portney
Lu par : Otto Haugland, Julie Schaller, David R. Portney
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    Let's face it, finding a good relationship is not like buying a lottery ticket. It's not based on luck and it's certainly not easy. It involves effort—a lot of effort—but it's worth it! In his honest, down-to-earth style, author Otto Haugland draws a blueprint for women to better understand men, and for men to better understand themselves. Insightful, humorous and light-hearted, he cleverly categorizes the various types of daters—from the Scud Missile dater to the Velcro dater.

    His suggestions for overcoming the barriers that keep us all from meeting the right person are invaluable! Whether you're seeking a new relationship or to improve the one you already have, this is the program for you. You'll discover proven tools and techniques to find and keep the relationship of your dreams.

    A sample of what you'll discover:

    * How to find Mr. or Ms. Right—right now.

    * Secrets to making yourself more attractive to others.

    * How to know if you're really ready for a relationship.

    * Quickly and dramatically improve your communication skills.

    * A simple system for resolving conflict fast and easy.

    * How to melt away negativity and get what you really want.

    All secrets to successful relationships are revealed—you'll be on the edge of your seat as you listen to David Portney interview a dynamic duo married couple who are coaches, relationship masters, and book authors on the subject of how to have successful relationships. With these real-world, time-tested tools, tips and techniques, you'll be on your way to creating the relationship you've always wanted.

    ©2023 Otto Haugland, David R. Portney (P)2023 Listen & Live Audio

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