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Couverture de An Archangel's Ache

An Archangel's Ache

De : Leo E. Ndelle
Lu par : Antony King
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    "Provide a puppet with enough purpose and it prides itself on being a principality with unlimited power." (The Scribe)

    Many cycles after the Great Rebellion, Michael, the archangel supreme of Celestia, is estranged; Luceefa is still incarcerated in the Abyss; and Kazuk, a fallen archangel, is the new king of Hell Realm. The animosity between the neighboring realms of Celestia and Hell is close to boiling point. And, with the Scribe as his ally, Kazuk will stop at nothing to have what, he believes, is rightfully his: the Realm of Celestial.

    But, when it is revealed that Eliel, a lowly angel, fulfills a transcription from the Logos that prophesies the advent of the One, who will rise above Michael, Celestia, and Hell can only hope to have Eliel on their side, as Eliel falls to Earth Realm. And, while the balance of power in the dimension rests in Eliel's hands, the Scribe sees a perfect opportunity to turn an entire dimension into a catalyst for his ultimate plan to undo creation as a fallen Eliel goes through an archangel's ache.

    ©2015 Leo E. Ndelle (P)2021 Leo E. Ndelle

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