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Couverture de Amina's Song

Amina's Song

De : Hena Khan
Lu par : Soneela Nankani
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    Winner of the Asian/Pacific American Award for Children’s Literature

    In the companion novel to the beloved and award-winning Amina’s Voice, Amina once again uses her voice to bridge the places, people, and communities she loves - this time across continents.

    It’s the last few days of an amazing trip to Pakistan, and Amina finds it hard to leave the sights, the shops, and most of all, her family. As she heads back to Greendale to start seventh grade, the experience has changed her, and she’s eager to share it with her friends.

    At home, though, Amina discovers her friends don’t seem interested in hearing about her trip. With everyone growing in different directions, Amina wonders where she belongs - especially after her school presentation on Malala goes sideways, leaving her feeling like nobody understands both her worlds.

    When Amina turns to songwriting, a boy named Nico who shares Amina’s love for music becomes a welcome new friend. Will Amina find a way to remain true to herself, and to honor everyone and everything that make her who she is?

    ©2021 Hena Khan. All rights reserved. (P)2021 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.

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