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Couverture de America’s Last Stand

America’s Last Stand

De : Drew Thomas Allen
Lu par : Drew Thomas Allen
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    "From one of America’s rising conservative stars comes a brutally honest account of the historic failures of the Biden administration and the most critical and urgent arguments for reclaiming American independence from our tyrannical captors in 2024...before it’s too late.

    In America’s Last Stand, Drew Thomas Allen masterfully lays out the real and severe stakes of the 2024 presidential election. America is in peril, and the Biden administration has plunged America into a Dark Age, characterized by our nation’s objective moral, cultural, intellectual, and economic decay.

    Americans have experienced for themselves life under both the Biden presidency and the Trump presidency. Americans should ask themselves a simple question: Were you better off under the Trump presidency or the Biden presidency?

    America’s Last Stand chronicles the failures and lies of the Biden administration, unleashes a devastating account of the Democratic Party’s unforgivable history, and warns Americans of their plans to eradicate our freedoms and destroy American prosperity and security in the future. Allen also sets the record straight on the countless lies that have been spread about former President Trump.

    Only confronting the truth can save America, and this book is America’s red pill. Allen makes the irrefutable case to reelect former President Trump, reject authoritarianism, and put America back on the path to prosperity and preserve this nation for our own posterity.

    America’s Last Stand is the definitive voting guide for the 2024 presidential election—the most important book in America. Every American should listen to it before casting their vote.

    In your sunset years, will you tell your children and grandchildren how you fought to preserve their freedom—or how you were responsible for squandering it?

    ©2023 Drew Thomas Allen (P)2023 Post Hill Press

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