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Couverture de American Gauntlet

American Gauntlet

De : Allie Lewis
Lu par : CJ Locks
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    Two sisters. Seven teams. One grueling competition.
    One life-changing cash prize.

    American Gauntlet is the number one reality TV competition in the nation, and when Dani Di Laurentis gets the call that she and her sister, Lana, have been selected as contestants, she knows this is her one opportunity to change her family's life for the better. After months of intense training, she and Lana embark on the adventure of a lifetime as they attempt to take on the Gauntlet.

    Dani soon finds out, though, that the American Gauntlet experience will be more than just excruciating physical challenges. Not only is she tackling grueling trials, fending off teams that are gunning for her, and dealing with the psychological warfare of the month-long competition, she also finds herself battling growing feelings for her biggest competitor, Joss.

    But what none of the contestants know is American Gauntlet has game twists they never could’ve seen coming.

    American Gauntlet is an action-packed love story, featuring a fast-paced plot and a sizzling romance without explicit sexual content.

    ©2023 Allie Lewis (P)2024 Allie Lewis
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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